What is Chroma-therapy?
Chroma-therapy is a natural and easy method for realigning the body's functions in order to assist the body, mind and soul in attaining the perfect metabolic balance that can lead to super-health. ChromaLight Color Therapy is a fast and simple way to stimulate the chakra centers, which in turn supports one's mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels.
Chromalight's non-invasive light therapy treatments have been shown to:
Support body, mind & spirit balance.
Stabilize organ vitality and increase overall energy.
Improve skin circulation
Increase elasticity of face, promote youthful appearance.
Smooth skin texture (lift aged and tired skin and reduce wrinkles)
Reduce blemishes and spots
Increase radiance through internal wellness.
Decrease inflammation and pain.
Many ancient cultures practiced the healing power of colours for res- toration of the bodily and spiritual equilibrium. Pythagoras, Paracelsus, Goethe, Babbit and Steiner, all examined the colour teachings and their affect on the body and spirit. In 1903, Professor Niels Finsen received the Nobel Prize for Medicine for his research about light and colour. Dinshah P. Ghadiali recorded much success with his medical research and application of colours with his Spectro-Chrome Therapy.
In 1933, Dinshah wrote the "Spectro-Chrome Metry Encyclopedia" based on diagnosing and treating the energy field using "light" therapy. At the turn of the 19th century, the Sicilian physician Dr. Sciascia used colour therapy successfully for rejuvenation treatments. Witnesseshad said that he looked like a 30 year old although he was 70, and that his skin was smooth, wrinkle free and he was full of youthful vigor, strength and stamina.
This knowledge of the natural effect of colours as a gentle therapy method is gaining more recognition for modern anti-aging management and in the near future will play an even more important role in the preservation of beauty and youthful appearance naturally.
Research has shown that cells not only radiate colour, but can also receive colour. Using reflex zones and acupuncture points as a point of entry for colour, the body's mechanisms seem to respond to and develop with "colour energy." The German physicist Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp proved that the cells of all living things radiate "biophotons" (light quanta). This light emission represents a regulating energy field, which influences the total biochemical processes inside us.
Furthermore, Biophotons not only give off light but are receptive and react to light and its individual colours. This means that ChromaLight Colour Therapy treatments give our cells energy!
The human body needs colour to live, because colours mean life energy. Bad light conditions, denatured nutrition, artificial light, electro- smog and stress are already enough to weaken the life energy that is the colour vibrations of the cells. Weakened life energy can eventually lead to physical and mental illnesses.
Everyone knows how good it feels after a walk in the Green nature with fresh air. The sun recharges the “batteries” of the body cells with life energy (Prana). It is a known fact that sunlight (white light) is comprised of the spectral range of colours: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. These colours are used also in the ChromaLight Colour Therapy.
With a ChromaLight treatment you receive a holistically developed colour-balancing program for beauty and well-being. The ChromaLight colour impulses help balance the metabolism of the cells and improve the energy supply of the body and spirit.
A reflex zone is similar to a tunnel. The internal body–the organs– mirror themselves on the periphery skin surface outwards from these zones. Likewise, a healing stimulus from the external has an effect on the internal body. Through a precision calculated irradiation of the energetic colour, the body cell can be optimally nourished with the right energy and vibration. A quick anti-aging effect takes place through specific colour massage of the face reflex zones resulting in a face that appears more relaxed, a complexion that is fresher and younger looking and a reduction in wrinkles.
Since the psyche mirrors itself in the organs,by healing energy deficiencies in any organs, the soul will also be balanced.
Colours have a big influence on our physical and mental well-being. Research has shown that colour can greatly influence the condition of a person's emotions and well-being. In a positive sense the organ is supplied with the missing bioenergy. Whereas, in a negative sense a wrong frequency or overdose can cause energetic disharmonies and even illness.
The aim of a ChromaLight colour therapy treatment is to harmonize and restore the bioenergy and the internal colour equilibrium (Yin and Yang energy) of the person. Only if the “colour household”–the energetic balance in the human body–is restored can the activity of the organs, the feelings and thoughts become optimal.